Every year my Facebook feed floods with comments, photos,
and statuses about the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show. Fat shaming, calling
people’s lifestyles unhealthy or grotesque, insinuating the women must
having eating disorders, not to mention the frequent comments objectifying the
women on the runway. I’m so done. Over it.
The models who walk the runway dedicate their lives to being
fit to appear. Are some of them very thin? Yes. Are they some of the most
beautiful women I have ever seen? Yes. Should they be accused of having eating
disorders merely because they are deemed to thin for what our society considers
“average?” Absolutely not.
And yet tonight there will certainly be the posts that are
some variation of….
“I wish I could look like them! They are sooooo [insert
adjective here that I think I absolutely am NOT} OMG I wish I was that
skinny/tall/blonde/leggy. “
Let’s have this talk….chances are you don’t look exactly like a Victoria’s Secret Model.
You know what? You’re still beautiful. You’re still worthy of time. Respect.
Love. And opportunity. Don’t use this as an opportunity to convince yourself of
what you are not. Use this as an opportunity to look at some cute bra’s, drink
some wine with your girlfriends, listen to overplayed pop music, and celebrate.
Celebrate being a
woman. Being a strong, capable, confident woman. The sooner you learn to
embrace as much as you can about yourself, the happier your life will be. We
all have things we are dissatisfied with, just as many of the woman who walk
that runway probably do as well. Nobody looks in the mirror 100% of the time
thinking “DANG, I’m fine.” Nope.
And remember…. As women the sooner we remember to stand
together, the better. Care for your fellow women, respect your fellow women,
and support your fellow women. Don’t use this as an opportunity to shame
yourself or other women; it’s not the point.
Now pour yourself some wine and enjoy the show J